Kathy’s Weight Loss Success Story

For the medication track I met weekly with the doctor and nurse, who were both fantastic, knowledgeable and attentive. The medication helped me control my desire for additional food. I reached the major epiphany soon after my first week and that was if I wanted the body of a 140 pound person I would need to stop eating for a 256 pound person and eat what a 140 pound person needs to eat.

After almost 70 years on this planet I am successfully losing weight again thanks to the Structured House lifestyle change program as well as their Medication track.

I have been in Overeaters Anonymous 12-step recovery for over 40 years and I have maintained a 100 pound weight loss. However, moving the scale lower has been unsuccessful for almost 20 years. I would lose then gain over those years but never break the lower floor. I  celebrated the initial loss. I submerged myself in the OA program, surrendering my food daily only to pick it up again. Life over the last six years became more than I was able to handle with just recovery support. Five joint replacements, breast cancer with surgery, chemo & radiation and downsizing from the 4000 sq foot family home to a much more manageable 1300 sq ft space brought me to my knees. I was filled with shame that I could not get to a lower weight. With an additional 80 pounds to lose, I was feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired as the big book of Alcoholic Anonymous famously states. With another set of trifecta holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) fast approaching, I was terrified, depressed, and contemplating life with limited mobility, lack of joyous experiences, and more discontent.

A very dear friend told me about Structure House at the right time when my ears were unclogged. I called and spoke a few times with the intake person. I came to my husband to plead my case that this could be the right decision. Thinking for several days about how I would be able to manipulate the family finances and seeking my husband’s approval, I brought it to him. His reaction was “DO IT” If you are not happy it does not matter what our lives will be. Get the help you need, was his blessings. With those blessings in place we drove from Orlando up to Durham. He left the next day and I commenced an amazing journey into self discovery and awareness. In the month I was there I maintained my OA program and in addition I worked daily with a nutritionist, behaviorist, and exercise physiologist.

Additionally I needed to move. A session with the exercise physiologist taught me that I had forgotten how to play. With all the physical limitations I did not want to move. Why I was so against moving was another stronghold I needed to break. Just walking up the little hill that first week was drudgery, by week three I was fast walking and playing.

It has been four months since I left Structure House. I continue in their after care and my QA program. The food plan continues to nourish me, the exercise has brought me to life again and I am moving, my attitude and outlook has completely transformed. I can honestly say I am healthier today than I have been for 30 years! Thank you, Structure House! -Kathy M.

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feel like I can conquer anything now

As Seen On
Dr. Phil
USA Today

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