Healthy Living Blog

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

Which snacks are healthy and won’t sabotage weight loss? Often, healthy snacks for weight loss look more like miniature entrees rather than something to nosh on between meals.  

So many snack foods are higin calories, fat, sugar, and salt – a tempting combination that keeps you wanting more and more. Below are some examples of healthy snacks that taste great, are packed full of nutrientsand are satisfying in small quantities.  

  1. Plain, non-fat Greek yogurt (3/4 cup) topped with fresh berries (1/2 cup) 
  2. Quarter of a peanut butter (2 teaspoonssandwich on whole grain bread with half an apple 
  3. Carrot sticks and 2 tablespoons hummus 
  4. Low-fat cheese stick with 4 whole grain crackers 
  5. Low-sodium vegetable soup (1 cup) and whole grain bread 

A healthy snack consists of high-quality foods and is based on individual needs. Be careful of distracted, unplanned eating. We’ve all sat down in front of the TV with a snack only to look down and find it was gone almost immediately. Try to eat mindfully and enjoy the moment when having your planned, healthy snack.  

At Structure House, we do not feel that everyone needs a healthy snack for weight loss. Some individuals see better results eating three balanced meals with no snacks, while others need snacks due to their schedules or even their medication regimens.  

Regardless of whether it’s a healthy meal or healthy snack, we encourage you to plan your portions and eat at a table with no distractions.  

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As Seen On
Dr. Phil
USA Today

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