Healthy Living Blog

Yearly Archives: 2016

How Do You Measure Success?

How do you measure success when it comes to your health? Is it a clothing size? A number on the scale? Or is it on how you are moving the needle toward better self-care? Maybe it’s all of the above. Although, if your success is only measured by a number…beware. In our size-obsessed society it’s easy … Read More

Feeding the Real Need

July marked my 10th anniversary at Structure House. That fact truly delights me – I love being part of this community – my colleagues and co-workers, on-campus participants, locally-residing participants, and the hundreds of alumni who have taken parts of Structure House into their lives. As I reflect on the decade that has passed (quickly, I … Read More

5 Strategies for Lifelong Fitness

Our goal at Structure House is to help participants embrace one of the most fundamental aspects of what it is to be human: Moving the Body.  We are here to guide others in discovering the potential and capability each person has to bring health, empowerment, and joy to their life using movement.  With this in … Read More

PCOS, Nutrition, and Metabolism

Many people are interested in the factors that affect their metabolism, but don’t know what they can do to make a difference. One, major factor that influences the body’s metabolism is the endocrine system, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age 1. WHAT IS PCOS? There is still … Read More

Train Your Brain with Mindfulness

We used to think that the brain stopped growing and developing in early adulthood, and then after that it was supposedly all downhill from there.  We now know from neuroscience research that the brain continues to change in response to experiences we have throughout our life span; a phenomenon called neuroplasticity.  Research shows that the brain can … Read More

preparing me for what it's going to be like in real life

As Seen On
Dr. Phil
USA Today

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